Release notes - 17 February 2020
Updated 4 years ago /
2 min read
Label Changes
The following pages in the Control Panel have undergone label changes to improve understandability and consistency:
- Add Course wizard
- Course enrollment
- Add Content
- Media
- Assessment/Question Pool
- Course statistics
- Organization statistics
- Learning Plan statistics
Bug Fixes
The following bugs have been fixed:
- In the Prerequisite editor, adding required slides was resulting to the creation of several new slides with the same ID (Full Admin).
- For certain specific roles, the videos in 5-star modules were inaccessible which made it impossible to complete any of the 5-star modules (Full Admin and Control Panel).
- For certain specific roles, the Review page had some misaligned columns (Full Admin and Control Panel).
- For certain specific roles, clicking Signup or Start on any of the three learning plans in the Course Catalog was not redirecting you to the correct page. It was opening the portal's front page instead of the learning plan that you clicked (Full Admin).