Release notes - 17 June 2019
Updated 5 years ago /
New Features/Updates
Content Explorer
The View Asset History pop-up window that appears when you click the Asset Info dropdown has been redesigned so that it now reflects a more updated version.
Course Session
- The Back button on top of the Message Editor pop-up window has been removed to avoid duplicate buttons.
- The Breadcrumbs have been added to the Course Session Editor.
Course Users
On the Course Enrollments tab, under the Entry and Expiry columns, it's now possible to manually enter a date in the fields.
Customer Admin
- On the Editor tab, the MDM option has been converted into a toggle button. On the same tab, in the Type dropdown, the different VisionME options have been removed.
- On the Settings tab, a note under Google Analytics field has been added to remind users that the ID is required.
Domain Admin
- On the Users page, the Managed User Selector option is now hidden from the Action menu when it's empty.
- On the Groups page, the left-side menu has been made stackable.
Learning Plan Editor
- The text labels on the page have been translated into language versions.
- The Objectives and Reminder buttons on the Phases page have been converted into pop-up windows.
Solution Admin
On the App/Default Settings tab, under Content and Slide, the long-winded text labels have been renamed.
- On the Online Statistical Analyzer page, on the Population Filter tab, the fields have been redesigned to make them look more appealing and user responsive.
- On the Course Participants page, a checkbox has been created for each user in the grid table, so you can select users first before clicking the Set Status for Selected Users button on top of the page. On the same page, the options that appear when you click the Set Users for Selected Users button have been realigned.
Bug Fixes
The following bugs have been fixed:
- There was a problem deleting multiple groups on the Groups page.
- On the Course Users page, an error was showing up when you edited a course enrollment in the grid table.
- In the Course Session, on the Calendar View tab, the margins were overlapping.
- On the Learning Plan Admin page, the Reminder icon was displaying a different label name.
- There was a problem saving folders in the Control Panel.
- The $$LocationTitle variable was not working properly.