Release notes - 4 March 2019

Updated 5 years ago /
New Features/Updates

Content Explorer
The empty icons have been removed on the Layout tab. 

Control Panel Dashboard
The text label changes for the different tiles have been implemented, and they have been translated into language versions. 

Course Editor

  • The box below the Is External Course button has been made invisible when the button is disabled. 
  • The Enable checkbox in the Course Statistics Settings section has been converted to a toggle button. 

Dictionary Admin
The text label changes have been implemented, and they have been translated into Danish and Norwegian. 

Kudos Statistics
In the list of users, the icons have been converted to text labels for consistency. 

Question Pool
You can now see two additional Go to Navigation buttons in the Question Pool asset editor.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed:

  • For certain specific roles, the scrollbar in the task list was not functioning properly which made it impossible to complete all the tasks. 
  • In Google Chrome, the Search fields were not displaying properly when you added internal instructors in the Course Editor. 
  • An error was shown when you exported users in the Assessment Statistics. 
  • In the Course Instructor's Dashboard, the dropdown list was not working properly on desktop and mobile. 
  • In the News Item Editor, the uploaded media was not showing when you added a new group to the same news article. 
  • In the Solution Admin, on the Client Toolbar Settings tab, the changes that you made when editing the type for the asset header button were not reflected on the record.