Communications: An Overview News channels and news items Create a news channel and news item Send automated/recurring messages Send a message for a course Send notifications for a completed learning plan Send a reminder about a course Send messages based on course statistics Rooms Set up a room using the Control Panel Boards User Registration Invites User Registration Invite Module Enable or disable user registration invite system tile in Control Panel Enable the domain invite module in Registration form asset settings
2 min read

Set up a room using the Control Panel

Rooms provides a hub for all your teamwork, enabling an open and fluid environment for collaboration. With Rooms, you can work effectively across external tools, projects, and documents. Rooms can be accessed from the Control Panel. 

To set up and customize your room: 

  1. In the Control Panel, click CommunicationsRooms
  2. On the page that appears, click Join or Create a RoomCreate a New Room

    3. Enter the relevant information, and then click Create to save your new room.  
    4. To add members, click the Members tab. Search for the people you want to include in your room, and then click Add Selected Users

    5. To add an asset, select a channel then click Add Rooms App. For example, you can add the Course Catalog to publicize relevant courses for your room that they can launch directly from Rooms.  


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