The new course objective wizard!

Updated 4 years ago /

When creating a new course or using an existing one, you usually assign learning objectives to help you track, use, reuse, and report on any element within your course structure. This process can sometimes get complicated when you create, edit, or assign multiple learning objectives.

To simplify the said process, we have created a new course objective wizard. You can use the new wizard to add the type of objective/action required for a course’s completion.

To do this, simply click Add, then select the type of objective or action you wish to require. You can choose slides or an existing learning objective.


Before, you have to go to the Content Explorer, find a slide and make sure that it has a learning objective or task list on it. Now, you can do that using the wizard and make the process a lot faster. As you select a page from the options, it identifies if that page already has an objective and assigns it for you automatically.

In case a page doesn’t have a learning objective yet, you just need to click that page from the options, and it will let you set the required information when adding your learning objective.


As you save your learning objective, you’ll have a table that indicates a list of what users need to complete, what their types are, and what’s actually required within a specific objective.