Copy a slide with its settings

Updated 2 years ago / 3 min read

When you copy slides, you can choose to copy the settings too. To copy content and settings from a course:

  1. In Full Admin, under Content Editing, click Content Explorer, right-click the root of the course that you want to copy content to and choose + Existing slide.

  2. Select the course and navigate to the slide that you want to copy.

  3. Click Insert ref
    If you want to only modify the copied slide and not affect the original one, click Insert copy.

  4. Back in the Content Explorer, click the copied slide, and under the Slide edit menu on the right, click Go to slide editor.

  5. In the Slide editor, right-click the asset area, select Edit this asset and then choose:
    • Save for all slides if you want any changes you make to modify the original and the copied slide. 
      The Slide editor displays a red Referenced assets button to indicate that if you make any changes to this slide, the original slide will also be updated.
    • Save for selected slides if you want the slide to be copied as a new entity and any changes you make, not affect the original slide.