External authentication providers

Updated 2 years ago / 4 min read

The Learning Center uses ASP.NET authentication technology to enable a variety of authentication methods. An authentication provider lets your users log in to the Learning Center using their login credentials from an external service provider. Enabling users to sign in with their existing credentials is convenient for them and shifts the complexity of managing the sign-in process to a third party. 

Cursum Learning Center, supports the following authentication providers. 

  • Azure AD
  • Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS)
  • Office 365


Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) is a standards-based service that provides users with single sign-on access to systems and applications. AD FS is a shipped product that ships with a version of Windows Server, which it is linked to for its lifetime, but with upgrades and service packs. Therefore, AD FS can be seen as being subject to a static lifecycle.  AD FS authenticates your cloud or synchronized identities on premises. Many large organizations prefer this federated model because they are authenticating "in-house". 

See related article: Set up LC with ADFS as Identity Provider

Azure AD

Azure Active Directory (AD) is a cloud-based solution and as such is constantly being upgraded. Azure AD is designed to work not inside your enterprise but on the Internet. It’s therefore equipped to deal with Internet protocols. Azure AD is simply an identify solution, and essentially a federation hub for online services, such as Office 365, Facebook, and other various third-party applications/websites. Going cloud-based means reducing future capital investment in hardware and other physical infrastructure.

Office 365

Office 365 uses Azure AD to manage users. You can choose from three main identity models in Office 365 when you set up and manage user accounts: 

  • Cloud identity. Manage your user accounts in Office 365 only. No on-premises servers are required to manage users; it's all done in the cloud.
  • Synchronized identity. Synchronize on-premises directory objects with Office 365 and manage your users on-premises. You can also synchronize passwords so that the users have the same password on-premises and in the cloud, but they will have to sign in again to use Office 365.
  • Federated identity. Synchronize on-premises directory objects with Office 365 and manage your users on-premises. The users have the same password on-premises and in the cloud, and they do not have to sign in again to use Office 365. This is often referred to as single sign-on.