I can't log in I can't access the course/domain I'm in the wrong course I can't create a domain/subdomain I can't create a course I can't create a user I can't add a course to a domain I can't add a user to a course and domain Problems with roles I get an error message when I try to log in I can't get a completion for my course
1 min read

I can't add a user to a course and domain

Check the following: 

  • Is the course expired or inactive?
  • Is the domain expired or inactive?
  • Has the user already been added to the course? Check the course settings 
  • Has the user already been added as a domain user? Check the domain users.
  • Is the domain a top-level domain and the user is in a subdomain? Check the domain setup settings. The user must is in a subdomain and the course on the top domain.

If none of these are the cause of the issue or you get an error message, contact Support for assistance.


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