Create an assessment/certification

Updated 2 years ago / 5 min read

You can create assessments or tests with a specific number of questions in a particular order or with a specified number of random questions. The procedure for both are essentially the same, but if you want random questions, you have to create them within a category in the Question Pool first.

To create a test or assessment:

  1. In Full Admin, select the relevant course and in the Content Explorer, right-click the main course slide and choose Add New Slide.
  2. In the Content Editor, enter a title for the slide and under Type, select Assessment Slide, select a template then Save.
  3. Right-click the new slide and choose Go to Slide Editor.
  4. On the slide, in the Slide Toolbox on the right, choose Containers, choose the main container for the assessment and then click Add New Asset
  5. In the Asset MetaData Editor, under Asset Type, choose Question Pool Asset and then click Save
  6. In the Question Pool Asset Editor, use the Next button on each tab to specify the settings for your assessment:
    • On the Main tab specify the Mastery score needed for a pass, whether you want the users to receive instant feedback on their answers and whether you want the answers displayed in a random order. 
    • On the Settings tab, under Layout choose whether you want a start page with information about the test, for example, how many questions, duration and pass requirements, and whether you want to display a review of the correct and incorrect answers at the end of the test. 
    • On the Layout tab, choose the Navigation for the test and make any adjustments to the labels if you want different text on these. 
    • On the Feedback tab, choose the text that you want to appear after the user has completed the test. For exams/certifications, you should enable the Show Score, Show Passing Score, and Show Image settings.
    • On the Collection Manager tab, either add questions or a category from the Question Pool or create new questions from here. 
      If you want the asset to randomly generate questions from the Question Pool, in the dropdown choose Category, click Add and in the Collection Item Editor, select the category by clicking the Add button across the Question Category and how many questions you want to include in your assessment, then click Save.
    • On the Exam tab, specify how many attempts the user should be restricted to, how long the user has to take the test, and whether you want to use a certificate that you have set up on the Certificate Admin page.
  7. Click Save.