Modify a learning objective

Updated one year ago / 3 min read

To make changes to a learning objective:

  1. In the Control Panel, click Learning plans.
  2. On the Learning plans page, on the line of the relevant learning plan, click Phases.
  3. Click the Edit  icon for the objective that you want to edit.
  4. Make any necessary changes.

    Your learning objective type needs to be set to Mandatory if you want it to be tracked as part of a learning plan. The completion status of a learning plan is linked directly to the completion of the learning objectives in a particular phase. 
  5. If you want to set up a reminder for the learning objective, click the Reminders tab and specify whether you want a reminder sent to a manager or the user, triggers for the reminder to take effect (for example, when the learning objective is completed) and when you want the reminder sent.
  6. Save your changes.
    If you want to make more advanced modifications to your learning objective, click the Edit learning objective button, which takes you to the Learning objective editor.