Create a subdomain
Updated 5 years ago /
3 min read
If you are working with top-level and sub-domains, for example, if you need subdomains for your customers, you can have some of your content and resources on your top-level site (domain) and share this with your subdomains through the curriculum repositories. Your subdomains have their own portal which is cloned from the top-level domain. Users in the subdomain can create their own content which is only accessible to anyone within that domain. Skins and templates are cloned from the top-level domain and can be customized for each subdomain. Access is controlled through the shared curriculum repositories. If the owners of the subdomain want to group, restructure, or restrict access to courses, they can do this using the containers in the course catalog.
To create a new subdomain for a customer:
- In Full Admin, add a new domain using the Create New Domain wizard.
- On the Main tab, enter the Domain Name, contact email, and specify whether you want to automatically create a new customer when you create the subdomain.
Having specific customers makes it easy to set up particular settings on a customer level, for example, if you want to manage the number of users and their properties that a customer has on their subdomain or you want to manage the modules/features that they have access to.
- On the Settings tab, specify the repository that you want to share, whether you want to reference assets instead of copying them (this is recommended), and whether you want to reference the default templates or copy them. Referencing means that the template is cloned until you make any changes to it, which then results in it becoming a new one.
- If you want to ensure that the subdomain has its own look and feel on its content, under Default Skin Settings, choose Clone selected skin and set as default for all courses on domain and assign to all cloned cour.... and select the relevant skin.
- On the Add Courses tab, select the relevant courses that are not shared via the top-level repository, for example, a portal course and a template course.
- On the Add Group tab, choose the relevant group that you want to have access, for example, All Users and select Assign any portal course cloned to group as default course. so that the templates are automatically inherited in the subdomain.
If you put an @ in front of the name, it ensures that it is always at the top of the list.
- On the Add User tab, create an admin user for your subdomain. This is useful if you need to access the backend of the of the subdomain in support situations.
- Click Save.
When you set up tenant, making sure to add the same user group that you specified for the domain (all users).