Groups and Group Types

Updated 8 months ago / 2 min read

In Cursum Learning Center, Groups provide a way of organizing the information you have about your users, courses, and the labels that appear on the page. 

Users can be assigned to a group or several different groups to reflect the different roles or locations that they are part of. Each group belongs to a Group Type, which identifies the categorization of information type, for example, Country.

Users can be part of a department group, but also a group that species their location. To limit the type of information that users enter in the system, setting up a Group Type and then adding specific groups to that type, you can define the Group type as a dropdown list with the different group choices. For example, you can set up a Group Type for Country and then add the different countries as dropdown choices to it. 

You can create groups that are automatically populated by the system depending on the criteria specified for the group which can change on a daily basis. For example, you can create a group for all the managers in your company and this is constantly updated to reflect all the current managers in your company.