Assets overview

Updated 2 years ago / 10 min read

Asset items are reusable instructional components that you can use to structure and tailor your learning content to different environments. Assets are digitally tagged with XML metadata based on a set of international standards and specifications guidelines. These metadata tags enable you to search for objects in the system.   

List of assets:

 Asset  Description
Ask Instructor Enables users to ask relevant questions to course providers. 

Enables users to display the current days of the month and attach a calendar of events and reminders for the course. It also enables the posting and viewing of global and personal events and reminders. 

CardBoard Lets you keep track of the tasks assigned to you and to other relevant users. You'll have access to other user's tasks with information relevant to your room. For more information, see Boards.
Certificate Manager Manages users’ certificates online. Once enabled, it lets managers view and edit exam and course completion certificate records. You can use this asset to issue new certificates based on a certificate template. You can also use it for external courses, to enable the upload of certificates to register that a user has successfully completed an external course.
Chat Adds a chat function to the course, which not only enables conversation between users and course providers but also facilitates case and scenario discussions in real-time. It displays users who are currently online.
Competence Client Viewer Shows the status of the specified user on a course. It also displays the business objectives, curriculum vitae, 360 feedback questions and other related information in the competence. This asset allows users to view their competence profile and other related information in the competence. 
Competence Dashboard Lets you view and manage users’ active competences in each domain to help you keep track of users' competence components and keep settings up to date, assuring that every part is available in every domain.
Forum Lets you set up a conference forum for users to discuss and share ideas displayed in threads and posts. 
Course Catalog Displays a list of courses (as tiles) that a user is enrolled in. It is also a shop that displays the courses with sessions and learning plans that the user can sign up for. For more information, see The Course Catalog.
Custom Page Header Displays a horizontal page bar with editable informative and
interactive elements.
Dictionary A shareable dictionary database which enables the creation of a reference dictionary of words or phrases with a description, an image and a sound file (for enunciation purposes. With this, users can search for words in the list of dictionary words through the dictionary administration.
 Download Where the administrators and course editors can share files with users. It enables users to download materials provided by their course administrators. This asset is also an efficient tool when there’s a need for administrators to work together in developing a common course. Consequently, it enables users to interact with other users and with the course administrator.
 End Course Used on the last content slide of a course, enabling users to submit the course as completed. This includes all the assessment slides in the course. Through this asset, you can also customize the next action when a user clicks the submit button. 
 End Test/Exam Enables users to end a running assessment.
 Enrollment  Enables the enrollment of users and groups to courses and adds a page where users can enroll other users and groups to courses.
 Essay Text Enables users to respond to a question by writing a text.
 External Website Launcher (Auth. Ticket)

Launches external web resources from the CURSUM Learning Center. The specified URL is launched including any added URL query string parameters.

The parameters that the user can add to the URL are:

  • the authentication ticket
  • the course ID
  • the start slide ID
 Fill-in-the-Blank Enables users to respond to a question by answering a question filling in a field.
 Fold-out Menu Enables you to manage the contents of the fold-out menu in an interactive fold-out menu for the course. This allows them to customize the content, dimension, as well as the icons to be used. 
 Forgot My Password Adds a page to the course where users can retrieve their password. The password is sent to the user via email. 

Adds a header to the slide. The header contains the slide title of the current slide being viewed, the page numbers, as well as the print, edit, note editor and logout icons.

 Image Map Lets you upload an image file and place hotspots on specific areas of the image. This asset enables users to interact with the image while clicking the hotspot.
 Index Creates an index of the course items consisting of either an alphabetized list or a list based on corresponding item score or item lesson status.  
 Inline Frame Can show an HTML resource.
 Interactive Content  (H5P) - BETA

Helps you develop and edit creative and interactive content for your users. 

 KPI Manager Enables users to keep track of their performance. This asset displays user's monthly and overall target status represented by statistical data. 
 Leaderboard Viewer Displays a competitive board view with the names and current kudos scores and progress ranking of leading users. 
 Learning Plan Viewer Enables users to view and edit learning plans. This is often used in connection with the Course Catalog asset. 
 Login   Used as the login portal for a course. This asset contains settings for creating the required data for the asset. You can create a title and description for this asset to instruct users how to log in to a course. Consequently, users are notified if they have successfully logged in or if an error has occurred. 

Lets you upload and play media in various formats such as image files (jpg, gif, tiff, png), flash/shockwave files, MS PowerPoint, MS Word and pdf documents, streaming video/sound files and zip files.

Additionally, this asset enables you to upload files in mp3 format which is compatible in most browsers. (When viewed in a client an mp3 jquery player is shown to play the file.)

Note: You are only allowed to use one media asset per page.

 Menu Displays the course menu on the left side of the page.
 Multi Question Enables users to respond to a question by selecting multiple choice and/or multiple answers questions.
 Multiple Answers Enables users to respond to a question by selecting multiple answers options.
 Multiple Choice Enables users to respond to a question by selecting one of multiple answer options.
 My Courses Keeps users informed and up to date about their curriculum or courses. It enables users to see the courses that they are signed up for. This asset also makes it easier for the user to switch views between courses and see their progress on each course.  It can be added to a slide of a course and serve as a bulletin board where users can view relevant notes, news, course changes and other information that you post. It consists of news channels where users can subscribe to get the latest updates. 
 My Documents Works as a personal workplace where users can write and leave their own documents or add attachments. This enables users to share documents with other users which works best when working in a group or a joint project. Through this asset, users can create, maintain, send and share documents allowing other users to view their documents. 
 My Info Tracks how many times a user has logged in to the system. It also tells if there are internal messages for the user.
 Navigator Creates a navigation menu. This menu consists of all the slides in a folder, course, or a custom collection.
 News  Lets you add a news section to a slide or on the Admin pages to display relevant news items for a course, or to share information about the system to course editors. 
 Offline Activity

Offline activities on LC that support the administrators on importing and exporting offline courses are: 

  • Export Course: enables you to create a course package for a specific course, for example, if you want to copy it to another domain. It also lets you download a specific course package before importing the course in Learning Center.
  • Import Course: enables you to import exported courses in Learning Center.
 Online Message System Creates a message function that lets users send messages to either online or offline users. This asset also enables users to instantly see and search for their messages. 
Online Statistics  Course and slide statistics that you can drill down into specific details for online reporting.
 Online Users  Enables users to see which other users are currently online. Since it displays a list of all the online users, administrators and instructors can send messages to anyone in the list. 
 Point and Click Enables users to respond to a question by pointing and clicking an image.

The Polling asset is similar to the Survey asset but is only made up of a single question to get feedback. The following question types are supported by this asset: 

  • Multiple choice
  • Multiple answer
 Product/Kudo Shop

Lets users see items that they can buy or bid on (auction) with the Kudos points that they've earnt. For more information, see Kudos and the Kudo Shop.  

 Question Pool A composition of question items (which can be of different question types) compiled together in sequence as each item or slide appears. This lets you automatically set feedback messages when the test is submitted.

The following question types are supported: 

  • Multiple Choice
  • Multiple Answers
  • Multi Question
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Point and Click
  • Matching drag and drop
  • Matching dropdown
  • Sequence drag and drop
  • Sequence dropdown
  • Numeric
  • Plain text
  • Essay
  • Plain video

For more information, see Question Pool.

 Registration Form The Registration Form asset adds a registration page where users can apply to courses and be part of groups. It can also serve as a catalog for already registered users.
 Rooms Lets you share information, updates, files, schedules, and so on with relevant users in a few steps. You can collaborate with a team easily with the applications that you can add to Rooms. For more information, see Rooms.
 Score Sheet Shows assessment results.
 SCORM Asset Container

Enables users to import a SCORM package into a course. The SCORM packages can be integrating or non-integrating. 

An import assistant is also available and is used removing comments when uploading SCORM packages. 

When you import a SCORM package, texts and exams can be saved as question slides instead of assessment slides. 

 SCORM SCO Container  A placeholder used by the content of SCORM packages. 
 Search  Creates a search function for the course. Users can search for other users in the course, and download items and course content. You can determine which criteria can be used for searching and what information should be available for each course. 
 Skin Logo Displays a clickable logo for the course. 
 Social Media Wall feed that enables users to comment and chat with other participants. 
 Start Exam Enables an exam to start.
 Statistics Lets you display a statistical report significant to your users. 
 Subscription Manager Displays a list of assessments and courses that a user is enrolled in. It also enables users to view the status and other details of the courses and assessments. 

Ideal for building and publishing course evaluations and market survey forms. These question types are supported:

  • Multiple choice
  • TextArea
  • TextBox
  • Multiple answers

You can define your questions in the following way: 

  • A question can be set to require interaction before it can be submitted.
  • A question can be dependent on the answer from a preceding question.
  • You can make cross references between questions.
  • For multiple answer questions, you can select to load previous answers if you want your users to see their previous responses whenever they visit the survey page.

You can extract the evaluation in a CSV file to use in third-party software.

 Task List

Use the Task List to verify the completion of course activities. You can set this up by prompting users to tick a checkbox, upload a file, or provide a rating. 


Lets you add content based on text or HTML and comes with an online Word editor that can handle a large amount of text with embedded media, hyperlinks, and object links. Additionally, the editor includes a menu bar with different settings on styles and formats. Use the $$ variable properties to customize text that reflects user information.

You can also use this asset to upload Flash Video (.flv) and Shockwave Flash (.swf) files with a maximum size of 250 MB. 

 ToolPanel Adds a tool panel to the course. You can select what buttons to display. There’s also a default setting for using JavaScript.
 User Profile Editor

Enables the user to view and manage their profile by uploading an image and giving it a brief description. 


xAPI formerly known by its project name of Tin Can, lets you import external learning experiences as part of your courses. This can be online or offline experiences such as watching a Youtube video, opening a PDF document, attending a seminar, or reading a book.

When you upload an xAPI package into the Learning Center, all the content, activity definitions, and activity provider definitions in the package are imported and tracked.

For more information, see An introduction to Tin Can/xAPI.