Portal Statistics FAQs on Statistics Use filters to generate a statistical view Create a bookmark for your statistics Subscribe to statistical reports Create a custom reporting mode for a solution Set up managers to have acccess to Reporting mode List of Statuses in the Learning Center Show Total Number of Training Hours Based on Completed Courses (Course and User Statistics)
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Subscribe to statistical reports

You can send scheduled notifications to users  (or even yourself) to inform them of relevant statistical reports for their organization. These can be delivered instantly or scheduled for a particular date and time. To subscribe to a particular statistical report:

  1. In the Control Panel, in Reporting view, choose the statistics page for which you want to set up a subscription for, for example, Users
  2. On the page, apply all the relevant filters, and then click Settings, Subscribe
  3. Specify the details of the notification, for example, the email of the recipient, subject, and body. 
  4. You can also choose whether you want  a recurring message or to deliver it once on a particular date or time. 
  5. Click Subscribe


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