Portal Statistics FAQs on Statistics Use filters to generate a statistical view Create a bookmark for your statistics Subscribe to statistical reports Create a custom reporting mode for a solution Set up managers to have acccess to Reporting mode List of Statuses in the Learning Center Show Total Number of Training Hours Based on Completed Courses (Course and User Statistics)
4 min read


When you are in the Administration panel, you can view statistics for the overall portal and individual courses.

  • To view statistics, from the Retail Academy page, click the the Admin View icon on the right.

The Portal Statistics page gives you a complete overview of the total number of users, how many courses have been completed, the number of completed learning plans and objectives and statistics about your organization. You can click on any of the cards to see more details about that particular area. 

When you click on a card, you are taken to the statistics page for that area. Clicking on an element lets you drill down to see more details. You can also filter on what you see by using the dropdown fields on the page. 

The tabs give you more detailed views of your courses, users, organization, user participation, learning plans, and gamification (kudos). You can also filter on what you see using the Filter fields that appear when you click the Show/Hide filtering  icon. 


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